The big dream is very possible. A world in which humanity lives by the Law of One, flowering and prospering together as one world.
The details of the dream include five statements of purpose:
1. Each person is a member of one global family of humans and is a free resident of the earth. We are all brothers and sisters in one human family, and each person is special and unique. We are all equal, regardless of religion, race or sex. Each of us has the right to live a life full of freedom, happiness and fulfillment.
2. Earth's natural resources belong to each and every living creature, and they must be shared with responsibility and harmony. The food and abundance provided to us by the earth shall be distributed taking into account all human beings and living things, and the earth itself. When we do this we will find that there is enough wealth for everyone, that all of us can live in dignity, while preserving and taking care of nature.
3. Children shall receive education for values like compassion, service and cooperation. Instead of education for competitive achievement and discipline, we shall establish education for humaneness and tolerance, caring and creativity. Personal attention shall be given to every boy and girl, on the unique gift they have to give to the world, and on the tools to fulfill this gift.
4. Listening to the heart shall replace the laws, education shall replace regulations, rehabilitation shall replace punishment. We stopped listening to our hearts. That's why we created a system of rules, and when someone breaks the rules, we punish him. We want a world in which people understand from within themselves what is right and wrong and want to act according to the genuine decree of their hearts, for the good of everyone.
5. It is in our interest to leave our world for future generations better than we found it. Cultivation of land and the environment. Deepening our social-cultural-values heritage. Development of technology and sustainable progress. The best gift we can give is what we leave behind us, it is the most noble vision.