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The Law of One

There is one law that exists in all systems of nature. This is the Law of One.
The principle of unity.

We are all unique parts of one great whole, affecting and dependent on each other. Together we stand, divided we fall.

This is similar to the cells in the body, which connect to each other by mutual giving, for the health and life of the whole body.

A cell in the body which sees itself as separate from the whole, and wants for itself
more than it needs, does it at the expense of cells around him, and finally does so at the expense of the whole body and dies together with it. Such a cell is a cancerous cell.

As human beings we have moved away from our true nature.
We do not live by the Law of One.

This is not due to malice, but due to ignorance and fear. We have closed our hearts
and have alienated ourselves from the one family which we all are.
If we all learn to listen to our heart's directive - there is no chance anyone would
want to steal from or take advantage of anyone else.

Nowadays many laws contradict the Law of One, and we must disobey them
with courage, and be a stand for compassion and caring.

Returning to live according to the Law of One - this is a value-based revolution, and by
its light, all social structures and ways of life as we know it will change.

> There is a Global Awakening for life and freedom





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